Monday, August 30, 2010

The Bob Bradley Answer

Four More Years

Quick thoughts:

- This isn't a bad decision, but I would be very surprised if we don't look back on Bradley's tenure in 2014 and determine he peaked at the Confederations Cup in 2009. Like I said before, the road to the round of 16, let alone the quarterfinals, in 4 years in Brazil will almost certainly be harder, and this team barely made it this time around. Add in the statistics regarding coaches getting 2nd chances at a World Cup squad, and it's hard to get excited about this decision.

- It seems pretty likely that for the 2nd time in a row, Bob Bradley was given the reigns to the US Soccer team as the second choice behind Juergen Klinnsman. Klinnsman would have gotten more people excited, but even though I wasn't for bringing Bradley back, he deserved better than (alledgedly) playing second fiddle to him again.

- Develop the next set of players, Bob. You have the security of the 4-year contract, you don't have to prove anything to us in the next 2 years. Show us your plan for replacing the older guys from the 2010 squad. Show us who will step in on the backline, show us who will roam the midfield with the current core. And in the name of everything holy, develop some strikers.

The bar is higher now, Bob. Keep the momentum going.

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